WIZARD Series . The Wizard series of Air-Handling Units incorporate the entire design experience in order to fully satisfy all market requirements in the various sectors of application. Tailored though massproduced industrial products, these high quality and reliable units guarantee total safety. The WIZARD air handling units are suitable for both traditional application fi elds as hotels, museums, theatres, airports, banks, shops and specifi c sectors as hospitals, food industry, electronics or pharmaceutical industries and all the industrial applications with temperature or controlled-contamination processes.
- . – Different accessories and configurations are available as the brushless motors, the plate or wheel recuperators and the control systems for plug&play untis.
EUROPE | CEPED | 50 Hz |
The range is made of 24 sizes for air fl ows up to 115.000 m³/h. The panels are 25, 42, 45 or 62 mm thick, according to the different kinds of application requiring different thermal and acoustic isolation. The sandwich panels are available in galvanized steel sheet, pre-painted or plastic-coated galvanized steel sheet, aluminum or AISI 304 stainless steel sheet with isolation by injected polyurethane or mineral rock wool. The frame is made of aluminum profi les available also in thermal cut version, for an higher thermal isolation, and in internally rounded version for hospital application. Heat exchangers, fi lters, humidifi ers, energy recovery systems, fans and any other component required in the units are selected to grant the best performances according to the customer requests. - “EC” FANS
The option for fans with brushless motors allows for units with reduced dimensions. Controlled by means of a 0-10V signal even without a frequency inverter, these fans are very versatile and easy to be used. - PLUG&PLAY UNITS
As an option, a complete control system is provided to handle all the units functions. The electrical board is built-in and totally wired as all the control components such as 3-way valves, probes, damper motors and humidifiers. - REDUCED TIMING AND COSTS
The plug&play units are ready to use without any further operation on site. Compared to the traditional AHUs, the easier and quicker installation of the plug&play units results in a strong costs reduction solution. All the signal and controls are verified and check with a final factory test before delivery. In case of units divided in sections, special connectors are provided to rebuild the signals lines on sites. These connectors are error-proof and don’t required qualified technicians. - LOW NOISE EMISSIONS
The WIZARD units are designed to minimize the acoustic impact in each operating condition. In case of special applications, such as theatres, conference rooms or cinemas, it is possible to provide sound absorbing panels and customized sound attenuators.
WZ-E Series – EUROVENT certification
The units of the WZ-E* series are Eurovent certifi ed according to the EN1886(M) and EN13053 norm guaranteeing the quality of the products and accuracy in the declared performances. [* Box Model tested with 60mm thick profiles with thermal break and with 62mm thick polyurethane panels, internal sheet of galvanized steel and external sheet in galvanized preplastified steel]
Description | WIZARD series class | EN1886 values |
Casing mechanical strenght | D1 | Max relative bending: 4mm / m |
Casing air leakage with pressure test -400 Pa | L1 | Max leakage: 0,15 l/s m² |
Casing air leakage with pressure test +700 Pa | L1 | Max leakage: 0,22 l/s m² |
Filter by-pass | F9 | Total leakage K: 0,5% |
Thermal transmittance U | T2 | 0,5 < U ≤ 1 W/K m² |
Thermal bridging factor | TB2 | 0,6 < kb ≤ 0,75 |